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18th Annual Flagship Conference on Economic Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance

April 29, 2024 April 30, 2024

For over eighteen years the “who’s who” in the global sanctions’ community has attended 18th Annual Flagship Conference on Economic Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance– which is widely regarded as the premier conference for legal and compliance professionals working in economic sanctions. Re-connecting with old contacts and forging new relationships this is the sanctions event to attend!

This flagship conference is a can’t miss opportunity to stay current with the rapidly changing sanctions landscape and hear from senior government officials from OFAC, OFSI, EU Commission, DOJ, Commerce, and the State Department. Each year, 75+ speakers from different industries, expert legal practitioners, and renowned industry experts share their insights and provide in-depth guidance.

Hear from government speakers like Beth Davies (Deputy Director, Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, HM Treasury), Rachel Lyngaas (Chief Sanctions Economist, U.S. Department of the Treasury), Alina Nedea (Head of Sanctions Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission) and many more.

The 2024 conference will address the critical emerging geopolitical issues that your organization is facing in the Middle East, Asia and Russia. The conference will address the expanding export control restrictions and how the various agencies are working together on enforcement actions. Learn effective risk mitigation strategies and how to navigate conflicts between EU, UK, and U.S. sanctions restrictions.

Attend the 18th Annual Flagship Conference on Economic Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance on April 29-30, 2024, at The National Press Club, Washington, DC. To learn more visit https://bit.ly/3SvFSHo.

Save 10% with the ICC FraudNet promo code: D10-999-ICCFRAUDNET24

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The National Press Club, Washington, DC