Pamela Goldbaum 360×360

Pamela Goldbaum

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Lathrop Blanco Goldbaum Abogados
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ICC FraudNet Member


Pamela has been practicing law for more than 25 years, and specializes in tax, commercial, and bankruptcy law, as well as complex litigation. Since her expertise ranges across a wide remit, she can provide a holistic approach on matters.

Pamela started her career at the Chilean Bankruptcy Superintendence, moving onto to PwC, one of the biggest consulting, tax and accounting firms internationally. She later went on to represent creditors and debtors involved in complex reorganization and liquidation, money laundering, torts and collection proceedings.

Pamela was the Chilean legal advisor and link between courts, the creditor’s comity, the debtor and the superintendence in regard to the first cross border case in Chilean history, which recognized the rights of Chilean liquidators to recover assets in different jurisdictions (case: Onix-A.Chang).

Pamela is based in Santiago de Chile, where she founded Lathrop Blanco Goldbaum Abogados. She also founded Goldbaum Advisors LLC in Florida, USA, and leads multidisciplinary teams composed of lawyers, accountants, auditors, forensics, finance experts, among others as necessary for the best outcome.

Pamela is known for her incisive analysis, strategic planning, and being determined and driven in all her cases. She has a commercial and practical approach and can explain complex situations using simple terms. She has been a professor of tax law and economy at the law school of Universidad Catolica de La Santisima Concepcion, Chile, has lectured on insolvency and asset recovery in Latin America, United States and the European Union; and is the Co-Chair and founding member of the Latin America Chapter of IWIRC (International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation).


English, Spanish